Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Hope...

Hello Everyone,
I hate woman... Haha Kidding, Ok if you were at New Hope on Sunday morning I'd like to clear the air just a tad... I don't hate ladies nor do I want them to be so called "Oppressed"... Dave said that I told him that I didn't like the idea of woman "empowering each other and rising up" or something to that effect... Yes I did say those words but they were out of context, I was talking to Dave about woman leaders and how I was apart of a small group which involved younger woman who were being handed "Leadership" by older woman yet horrible role models, I guess if someone is going to hand out that crap, I'd like a couple handfuls with no responsibility too!

I have no problem with woman leaders but I do think that there are specific "roles"(yeah I said it) God has for men and woman... (I still Love you Dave and Betsy but you're wrong!haha)



Megan said...

You've always had a unique way with words my love; as my friend the Rock says, "know your role.".....and I'm glad you don't hate women.

Sam said...

Kudos on the loving women. I would have been kinda freaked to find out you were only into guys. Yikes.

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Sorry for misrepresenting you at church.

I'm also glad you love women.

I'm not glad your sexist, though. (just kidding)
